Hello world!

WordPress, in their infinite wisdom, thought it would be a good idea to put a little blurb in here so you knew your site was working. Well, as is my nature, I’m going to hijack this little blurb and use it to say greetings. Welcome to my new toy.

This little adventure began with my oldest son giving me a journal for Christmas, right after my granddaughter was born. Inside the cover of that journal was a note asking me to convey some of my “wisdom” in its pages to pass along to future generations. Now I’m not much for sitting down and writing a bunch of things out, which is a little odd because I like to write things out, but when it comes to something like wisdom for the ages, it feels like something that will be constantly revised and no one wants to read a journal with half the pages scribbled out and re-written, so in true Opa fashion, I build a website and start my journaling here.

I will admit though, it feels a little disingenuous to have spell check and be able to go back a rewrite things. I may have to explore leaving some of the cross outs in the original, just for a touch of authenticity and Opa flare. [Now where is that strike out function?!?]

With all of that said, welcome to a new experiment. Not only an experiment in technology, but in journaling, writing, and hopefully passing a few things along for the ones I will eventually leave behind. I’m sure I will elaborate on this a bit more in the future.


PS: I found the strikethrough. Let the games journaling begin!